Allan Brandon's photo: Summit Ponds, old Gamboa Road, 26th August 2012.
This species, with a body length of only c. 20 mm, is one of the smallest Libellulidae in Central America. Note the characteristic spine of this genus below the thorax.
Netta Smith's photo, Canal area, old Gamboa Road, Summit Ponds, 26 th, August 2012.
This individual had adopted the obelisk position (sun-pointing) as the day was very hot.
Erland Nielsen's photo, 26th August 2012,
Old Gamboa Road.
These pictures show the diagnostic superior anal appendages of the genus which are curved above.
For my part it looks like a Micrathyria (e.g. M. ocellata), but it lacks the white stripe on the front part of the thorax.
Panama - Nephepeltia phryne male 1/1
Habitat; pools, ponds, lakes, marshes, swamps, backwaters of rivers and streams.
Distribution: from Belize to South Peru and Brazil.